Child Safety
Catholic school communities have a moral, legal and mission-driven responsibility to create nurturing school environments where children are respected, their voices are heard, and where they are safe and feel safe.
Every person involved in Catholic education, including all parents at our school, has a responsibility to understand the importance and specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.
Holy Spirit School’s child safe policies, codes of conduct and practices set out our school’s commitment to child safety, and the processes for identifying, communicating, reporting and addressing concerning behaviour and allegations of child abuse. These documents establish clear expectations for all staff and volunteers for appropriate behaviour with children in order to safeguard them against abuse.
Our school has established human resources practices where newly recruited staff, existing staff and volunteers in our school understand the importance of child safety, are trained to minimise the risk of child abuse, and are aware of our school’s relevant policies and procedures. Our school also provides ongoing training, supervision and monitoring of staff to ensure that they are suitable to work with children as part of our human resources practices.
Our school has robust, structured risk management processes that help establish and maintain a child safe environment, which involves consideration of possible broad-based risk factors across a wide range of contexts, environments, relationships and activities that children within our school engage in.
Our school, in partnership with families, ensures children and young people are engaged and are active participants in decision-making processes, particularly those that may have an impact on their safety. This means that the views of staff, children, young people and families are taken seriously and their concerns are addressed in a just and timely manner.